Timeseries analysis in yt_napari¶
Similar to loading single datasets, yt_napari
includes a number of ways to load in timeseries data: the json
file reader, the napari widget and a jupyter notebook. From a jupyter notebook, you can use yt_napari.timeseries.add_to_viewer
to specify a set of files to sequentially load and sample and add to an existing napari.Viewer
This notebook describes:
Selection objectsusing
to apply a selection to a series of files that you specify and then add those to anapari.Viewer
instanceloading timeseries samples as individual layers or a single image stack
centering selections
As a preview, here’s a video showing the density field in a 15 Mpc wide region from the enzo_tiny_cosmology
sample yt dataset centered on the location of the maximum density of the final timestep in the series:
Before diving into details, the following code blocks load a slice for each timestep of the enzo_tiny_cosmology
sample dataset and adds it to a napari Viewer
as a single 3D image stack with dimensions of (timestep, y, z). Note that it will take a bit of time to run the timestep sampling (around 30-60s depending on your machine).
from yt_napari import timeseries
import yt
import napari
yt.set_log_level(50) # disable logging to keep notebook output manageable
v = napari.Viewer()
s = timeseries.Slice(('enzo', 'Density'), 'x')
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v, s, file_pattern = "enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD????/DD????",
from napari.utils import nbscreenshot
The slider beneath the main viewer will let you step through time.
Detailed Walkthrough¶
Selection objects¶
One difference between yt-napari
and yt
proper is that when sampling a time series, you first specify a selection object independently from a dataset object to define the extents and field of selection. That selection is then applied across all specified timesteps.
The currently available selection objects are a 2D Slice
or 3D gridded region, either a Region
of a CoveringGrid
. The arguments follow the same convention as a usual yt
dataset selection object (i.e., ds.slice
, ds.region
, ds.covering_grid
) for specifying the geometric bounds of the selection with the additional constraint that you must specify a single field and the resolution you want to sample at:
from yt_napari import timeseries
Init signature:
field: Tuple[str, str],
normal: Union[str, int],
center: Union[unyt.array.unyt_array, Tuple[numpy.ndarray, str], NoneType] = None,
width: Union[unyt.array.unyt_quantity, Tuple[float, str], NoneType] = None,
height: Union[unyt.array.unyt_quantity, Tuple[float, str], NoneType] = None,
resolution: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = (400, 400),
periodic: Optional[bool] = False,
take_log: Optional[bool] = None,
A 2D axis-normal slice through a domain.
field: (str, str)
a yt field present in all timeseries to load.
normal: int or str
the normal axis for slicing
center: unyt_array
(optional) a 3-element unyt_array defining the slice center, defaults
to the domain center of each active timestep.
width: unyt_quantity or (value, unit)
(optional) the slice width, defaults to the domain width of each active
height: unyt_quantity or (value, unit)
(optional) the slice height, defaults to the domain height of each
active timestep.
resolution: (int, int)
(optional) 2-element tuple defining the resolution to sample at. Default
is (400, 400).
periodic: bool
(optional, default is False) If True, treat domain as periodic
take_log: bool
(optional) If True, take the log10 of the sampled field. Defaults to the
default behavior for the field in the dataset.
File: ~/src/yt_general/napari_work/yt-napari/src/yt_napari/timeseries.py
Type: ABCMeta
Init signature:
field: Tuple[str, str],
left_edge: Union[unyt.array.unyt_array, Tuple[numpy.ndarray, str], NoneType] = None,
right_edge: Union[unyt.array.unyt_array, Tuple[numpy.ndarray, str], NoneType] = None,
resolution: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = (400, 400, 400),
take_log: Optional[bool] = None,
A 3D rectangular selection through a domain.
field: (str, str)
a yt field present in all timeseries to load.
left_edge: unyt_array or (ndarray, str)
(optional) a 3-element unyt_array defining the left edge of the region,
defaults to the domain left_edge of each active timestep.
right_edge: unyt_array or (ndarray, str)
(optional) a 3-element unyt_array defining the right edge of the region,
defaults to the domain right_edge of each active timestep.
resolution: (int, int, int)
(optional) 3-element tuple defining the resolution to sample at. Default
is (400, 400, 400).
take_log: bool
(optional) If True, take the log10 of the sampled field. Defaults to the
default behavior for the field in the dataset.
File: ~/src/yt_general/napari_work/yt-napari/src/yt_napari/timeseries.py
Type: ABCMeta
Once you create a Slice
, Region
or CoveringGrid
, you can pass that to add_to_viewer
and it will be used to sample each timestep specified.
Slices through a timeseries¶
The simplest case is when you want to extract the same 2D slice through a timeseries.
To start, let’s initialize a napari
import napari
v = napari.Viewer()
and let’s build the Slice
object that will get applied to each timestep. To do so, you need to at least specify the field to sample and the normal axis for the slice:
s = timeseries.Slice(('enzo', 'Density'), 'x')
adding a timeseries to a viewer (add_to_viewer
From here, you pass the viewer and selection object to timeseries.add_to_viewer
along with some options for specifying what files to load and some parameters controlling how the data is eventually loaded:
viewer: napari.viewer.Viewer,
selection: Union[yt_napari.timeseries.Slice, yt_napari.timeseries.Region],
file_dir: Optional[str] = None,
file_pattern: Optional[str] = None,
file_list: Optional[List[str]] = None,
file_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None,
load_as_stack: Optional[bool] = False,
use_dask: Optional[bool] = False,
return_delayed: Optional[bool] = True,
stack_scaling: Optional[float] = 1.0,
Sample a timeseries and add to a napari viewer
viewer: napari.Viewer
a napari Viewer instance
selection: Slice or Region
the selection to apply to each matched dataset
file_dir: str
(optional) a file directory to prepend to either the file_pattern or
file_list argument.
file_pattern: str
(optional) a file pattern to match, not used if file_list is set. One of
file_pattern or file_list must be set.
file_list: str
(optional) a list of files to use. One of file_list or file_pattern must
be set.
file_range: (int, int, int)
(optional) A range to limit matched files in the form (start, stop, step).
load_as_stack: bool
(optional, default False) If True, the timeseries will be stacked to a
single image array
use_dask: bool
(optional, default False) If True, use dask to assemble the image array
return_delayed: bool
(optional, default True) If True and if use_dask=True, then the image
array will be a delayed array, resulting in lazy loading in napari. If
False and if use_dask=True, then dask will distribute sampling tasks
and assemble a final in-memory array.
stack_scaling: float
(optional, default 1.0) Applies a scaling to the effective image array
in the stacked (time) dimension if load_as_stack is True. If scale is
provided as a separate parameter, then stack_scaling is only used if
the len(scale) matches the dimensionality of the spatial selection.
any additional keyword arguments are passed to napari.Viewer().add_image()
>>> import napari
>>> from yt_napari.timeseries import Slice, add_to_viewer
>>> viewer = napari.Viewer()
>>> slc = Slice(("enzo", "Density"), "x")
>>> enzo_files = "enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD????/DD????"
>>> add_to_viewer(viewer, slc, file_pattern=enzo_files, file_range=(0,47, 5),
>>> load_as_stack=True)
File: ~/src/yt_general/napari_work/yt-napari/src/yt_napari/timeseries.py
Type: function
specifying the datasets¶
Similar to the yt
object, you can specify the files corresponding to the timesteps of interest in a number of ways:
file_pattern : a glob pattern string to identify files, e.g.,
.file_list: an explicit list of files
Additionally, if you specify file_dir
, then both the file_pattern
and file_list
arguments will be joined to file_dir
so that you can specify, for example,
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v, s, file_list=["file_1", "file_2", ...], file_dir='my/datset/dir')
rather than file_list=["my/datset/dir/file_1", "my/datset/dir/file_2", ...]
If a file is not found in your current path, it will check the yt test_data_dir
configuration directory.
Finally, you can also use the file_range
parameter to limit the datasets picked up by file_pattern
matches. The file_range
parameter is a 3-element tuple representing a selection range with (start, end, step) so that you can, for example, select every 5th dataset matched by the file_pattern
loading as a stack¶
So we’re now ready to load our timeseries! If you just call add_to_viewer
, each timestep will be added as a separate layer in napari. Since we’re loading 47 timesteps here, we’ll also supply the load_as_stack=True
parameter so that the slices get added as a single image array:
file_pattern = "enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD????/DD????"
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v,s,file_pattern=file_pattern, load_as_stack=True, colormap='magma');
CPU times: user 32.8 s, sys: 492 ms, total: 33.3 s
Wall time: 33.3 s
loading a range of matches¶
In the case above, we are loading in 47 timesteps. We can also specify a file_range
tuple in the form of (start, stop, step)
, and the identified files will be subsampled from the full range of matched files. To extract every 10th, for example:
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v,s,file_pattern=file_pattern, file_range=(0, 50, 10), load_as_stack=True, colormap='magma');
CPU times: user 3.75 s, sys: 272 ms, total: 4.02 s
Wall time: 3.57 s
loading specific timesteps¶
And finally, you can specify the exact files you want with file_list
. If you also provide a file_dir
, it will get pre-prended to the filenames in file_list
to save you some typing. In this case, since only 3 timesteps are specified, we can omit the load_as_stack
argument to instead load them as separate layers:
flist = ["DD0024/DD0024", "DD0034/DD0034", "DD0041/DD0041"]
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v, s, file_dir="enzo_tiny_cosmology", file_list=flist,
contrast_limits=(-1, 2), colormap='magma');
CPU times: user 2.4 s, sys: 312 ms, total: 2.72 s
Wall time: 2.2 s
Sampling a Region through a timeseries¶
The yt_napari.timeseires.Region
selection object behaves much the same way. The field
is the only required argument, with default bounds being taken from the full domain of each timestep loaded in (note that if the bounds of your simulation change over time you should specify edge values to load in).
Importantly, you have to be careful loading in regions as it’s very easy to exceed the available memory on your machine. The next notebook describes how to leverage dask for lazy loading of timeseries samples, but for now we’ll just load in a small subset of timesteps.
reg = timeseries.Region(("enzo", "Temperature"))
now when we supply load_as_stack
, our 3D arrays will become 4D arrays!
flist = ["DD0024/DD0024", "DD0034/DD0034", "DD0041/DD0041"]
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v, reg, file_dir="enzo_tiny_cosmology", file_list=flist,
colormap='magma', load_as_stack=True, name="Temp_series");
CPU times: user 4.98 s, sys: 1.06 s, total: 6.04 s
Wall time: 5.56 s
v.camera.angles = (15, 15, 75)
v.camera.zoom = 1
The slider beneath the viewer will let you step through time.
Positioning your selections¶
The Slice
and Region
objects do not have any of yt
’s helpful automatic centering functionality implemented at present. So if, for example, you want to center your Region
on the maximum density of the final timestep, you’ll want to first load in that timestep and find the position of the max value then use that to build your Region
The following walks through such an example.
First, load in a single timestep as a standard yt
ds = yt.load("enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD0046/DD0046")
and then find the location of the maximum density value:
ad = ds.all_data()
max_dens = ad.quantities.max_location(("enzo", "Density"))
Parsing Hierarchy : 100%|███████████████████| 211/211 [00:00<00:00, 9782.66it/s]
[unyt_quantity(101654.2578125, 'code_mass/code_length**3'),
unyt_quantity(0.55517578, 'code_length'),
unyt_quantity(0.66357422, 'code_length'),
unyt_quantity(0.85888672, 'code_length')]
and store the max location as an array to use later:
reg_c = ds.arr(max_dens[1:], 'code_length')
unyt_array([0.55517578, 0.66357422, 0.85888672], 'code_length')
centered Slice¶
Now we can build a slice centered on the above array and sample that slice through the timeseries:
wid = ds.quan(15, 'Mpc')
slc = timeseries.Slice(("enzo", "Density"), "x", center=reg_c, width=wid, height=wid, resolution=(400, 400))
file_pattern = "enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD????/DD????"
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v, slc, file_pattern=file_pattern,
colormap='magma', load_as_stack=True, name="Density_slice_series");
CPU times: user 33.1 s, sys: 513 ms, total: 33.6 s
Wall time: 33.1 s
[ ]:
The following is a video of stepping through the timeseries:
centered Region¶
In order to be able to sample all of the timesteps in memory, the following sets a fairly low resolution 3D sample. We’ll reuse the center location and calculate a left and right edge releative to that center:
hwid = wid/2.
le = reg_c - hwid
re = reg_c + hwid
le, re
reg = timeseries.Region(("enzo", "Density"), left_edge=le, right_edge=re,
resolution=(50, 50, 50))
file_pattern = "enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD????/DD????"
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v, reg, file_pattern=file_pattern,
colormap='magma', load_as_stack=True, name="Density_series");
CPU times: user 33.3 s, sys: 522 ms, total: 33.8 s
Wall time: 33.2 s
and a resulting screenshot:
A note on spatial scales and unit registries¶
In the previous two examples, we directly used the unyt array for the location of the max density (reg_c
above) from one of our datasets. This particular simulation is a cosmological simulation in which the bounds of the domain actually change with time depending on what length unit you look at. In physical distance, ds.domain_width('Mpc')
increases throughout the simulation. The co-moving distance, however, does not (ds.domain_width('Mpccm')
is fixed through time).
So depending on how you provide arguments to the Slice
and Region
objects, you can end up with different behaviors.
In the previous Slice
example, by provding both a center and width argument, the spatial extents of the slice are calculated immediately, so the extents of the slice will evaluate to:
wid = ds.quan(15, 'Mpc')
reg_c[1:] - wid/2, reg_c[1:] + wid/2
(unyt_array([0.49904297, 0.69435547], 'code_length'),
unyt_array([0.82810547, 1.02341797], 'code_length'))
so that for each time step, that code_length
range is sampled and we are effectively supplying our slice extents in co-moving coordinates.
If we instead specify the center and width as
c = (reg_c.d, 'code_length')
wid = (15, 'Mpc')
then for each time step, the slice will still be centered on the same co-moving coordinate location, but the extent of the slice will be re-calculate at each timestep, resulting in a slice extent that varies by timestep. Because the early steps of the simulation are much less than 15 Mpc wide, this results in a slice that grows in time:
slc = timeseries.Slice(("enzo", "Density"), "x", center=c, width=wid, height=wid, resolution=(400, 400))
file_pattern = "enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD????/DD????"
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v, slc, file_pattern=file_pattern,
colormap='magma', load_as_stack=True, name="Density_slice_series",
stack_scaling = 5.0
CPU times: user 33.4 s, sys: 599 ms, total: 34 s
Wall time: 34.7 s
The following video shows how the slice now changes through time. In the final parts of the video, the viewer dimensionality is changed to 3D, resulting in a 2D spatial + 1D time view in which the time axis scaling is controlled by the above stack_scaling
You can recover the original behavior by instead specifying the width in co-moving distance:
c = (reg_c.d, 'code_length')
wid = (15, 'Mpccm')
slc = timeseries.Slice(("enzo", "Density"), "x", center=c, width=wid, height=wid, resolution=(400, 400))
v = napari.Viewer()
file_pattern = "enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD????/DD????"
timeseries.add_to_viewer(v, slc, file_pattern=file_pattern,
colormap='magma', load_as_stack=True, name="Density_slice_series",
stack_scaling = 5.0
CPU times: user 33.7 s, sys: 478 ms, total: 34.2 s
Wall time: 34.4 s
A note on high resolution samples and larger-than memory arrays¶
Loading in 3D regions at higher resolutions can quickly exceed the available memory on your machine if you load more than a few timesteps. To handle those cases, you can lazily load data with the use_dask
parameter of timeseries.add_to_viewer()
. The next notebook walks through its usage.
[ ]: